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Bow-New Hamspire

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Community Calendar

  1. Fri Mar. 9

    FREE Community Emergency Response Team Training
  2. Sat Mar. 10

    FREE Community Emergency Response Team Training
  3. Sun Mar. 11

    FREE Community Emergency Response Team Training
  4. Mon Mar. 12

    Bow Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Meeting
  5. Mon Mar. 12

    Movie of the Month: Dunkirk
  6. Tue Mar. 13

    Town of Bow Town Elections
  7. Tue Mar. 13

    Family Storytime
  8. Tue Mar. 13

    Monthly Book Talk
  9. Tue Mar. 13

    Board of Selectmen Meeting
  10. Tue Mar. 13

    Monthly Book Talk
  11. Tue Mar. 13

    Songs of Emigration - Traditional Irish Music
  12. Wed Mar. 14

    Bow Young At Heart Club Meeting

Homepage Highlights

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Town of Bow Annual Reports

The Town of Bow Annual Reports have arrived. You can pick up an Annual Report at the Town Municipal Building. Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Trash and Recycling Upcoming Storm Notice

Thursdays Trash and Recycling will be postponed until Friday due to the impending storm.

Read the March Bulletin

Welcome to the monthly bulletin from the Town of Bow. As part of our commitment to keep citizens informed and involved in the community, we hope you find this . . .Read on...

Community Building Status

New Updates available. To view the latest information on the Community Building Status Page. This page will be updated as new information is available.Read on...

Absentee Ballots

The Absentee Ballots for the 2018 Town of Bow Town Elections are here! They can be mailed or picked up at the Town Clerk's Office. 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. For more information call the Town Clerk's office at 223-3980Additional Info...

Public Meetings

  1. Fri Mar. 9

    FREE Community Emergency Response Team Training
  2. Sat Mar. 10

    FREE Community Emergency Response Team Training
  3. Sun Mar. 11

    FREE Community Emergency Response Team Training
  4. Mon Mar. 12

    Bow Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Meeting
  5. Tue Mar. 13

    Town of Bow Town Elections
  6. Tue Mar. 13

    Heritage Commission Meeting
  7. Tue Mar. 13

    Board of Selectmen Meeting
  8. Tue Mar. 13

    Board of Selectmen Meeting
  9. Wed Mar. 14

    Town of Bow Town Meeting
  10. Thu Mar. 15

    Planning Board Meeting
  11. Fri Mar. 16

    Annual School District Meeting
  12. Tue Mar. 20

    Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting


  1. Town of Bow
    10 Grandview Road
    Bow, NH 03304

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    Staff Directory

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  2. Bow Schools
  3. Town Departments

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Our Community

Incorporated in 1727, the Town of Bow is located in central New Hampshire at the junction of Interstates I-89 and I-93, adjacent to Concord, the State Capital. The Town is a community of active and friendly people and it offers an excellent school system, lots of conservation land and outdoor recreational opportunities, including miles of hiking trails. Bow is located within minutes of major highways and offers easy access to the rest of the State.

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  1. Cemeteries

    Town cemeteries managed by the Public Works Department includes Evans Cemetery on White Rock Hill Road and Alexander Cemetery on River Road.

  2. Community Calendar

    Find upcoming community and department events to participate in.

  3. Community Organizations

    The organizations in our community that make Bow a great place to be involved.

  4. Facts

    Here you can review a list of facts about the Town of Bow.

  5. History

    Read the history of the Town of Bow.

  6. Infrastructure

    Here you can read about transportation, history, major roads and highways, airports, rail service, and freight.

  7. Library

    Visit the Baker Free Library website to find out about us, books, audio, digital, classes and events, and contact information.

  8. Lifestyle

    Those relocating to Southern New Hampshire will find the quiet country lifestyles New Hampshire has become known for.

  9. Location

    Bow is truly a "central" location. It is near the ocean, the lakes, the mountains, scenic and historic sites.

  10. Outdoors


  11. Parks & Facilities

    View available parks, facilities, and their amenities.

  12. Recreation

    Be active in Bow.

  13. Schools

    Gather more information about the schools of School Administrative Unit 67, the district that covers the Bow community.

  14. Town News

    View all News Flashes from various departments, including the Selectmen, Town Manager, Town Clerk, Fire Department, Economic Development, and more.

Boards, Committees & Commissions

  1. Board of Selectmen

    (ELECTED) Selectmen are elected by the voters in March. The Board of Selectmen acts as the executive branch of Town Government and it carries out the policies and laws set forth by the legislative body. The Board also has other specifically assigned roles and powers as set out in State Statutes.

  2. Budget Committee

    (ELECTED) Members are elected by the voters in March. The Committee reviews the annual budget submission of the Board of Selectmen and the School Board of SAU 67, makes adjustments, and presents a recommended annual budget for a vote at the annual Town Meeting.

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  1. Business Development Commission

    (APPOINTED) Members are appointed by the Selectmen. The purpose of the Commission is to advise the Board of Selectmen on issues affecting economic development and to establish a process for long range economic development.

  2. Capital Improvements Plan Committee

    (APPOINTED) Citizen members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. School Board, Selectmen, and Budget Committee representatives are selected by those groups. The Capital Improvements Plan, known by the acronym CIP, links local infrastructure investments with master plan goals, land use ordinances, and economic development.

  3. Conservation Commission

    (APPOINTED) Members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The mission of the Bow Conservation Commission is to enhance the natural environment of Bow. The Commission is established in accordance with RSA 36-A.

  4. Drinking Water Protection Committee

    (APPOINTED) Members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The Bow Drinking Water Protection Committee was formed to oversee the development of the Town’s 2006 Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) for the Town's municipal public water systems

  5. Heritage Commission

    (APPOINTED) Members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The mission of the Bow Heritage Commission is to research, identify, receive, preserve, protect, display and education our citizens about the Town of Bow’s Cultural and Historical Resources and to advise and assist the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, other agencies, organizations, and boards on matters affecting these resources.

  6. Planning Board

    (APPOINTED) Members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The Planning Board is established in accordance with RSA 674 and oversees land development, zoning, and related regulations.

  7. Recycling & Solid Waste Committee

    (APPOINTED) Members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The Committee serves as a sounding board for the community for matters dealing with recycling and solid waste.

  8. Zoning Board of Adjustment

    The Zoning Board of Adjustment is appointed by the Board of Selectmen to hear requests for Variances to the Zoning Ordinance due to hardship in the land and Special Exceptions for the specific Uses for the land.

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Board of Selectmen & Town Manager

  1. Annual Reports

    View digital versions of the Town of Bow Annual Reports.

  2. Board of Selectmen

    Selectmen are elected by the voters in March. The Board of Selectmen acts as the executive branch of Town Government and it carries out the policies and laws set forth by the legislative body. The Board also has other specifically assigned roles and powers as set out in State Statutes.

  3. Goals and Objectives

    The board goals and objectives, as defined by the Bow Board of Selectmen.

  4. Meet the Town Manager

    The Town Manager serves as the administrative head of all departments, is the hiring authority, and serves as the contracting officer of the Town. The Town Manager ensures policies are carried out.

  5. Monthly Bulletin

    This is the monthly Town of Bow Bulletin with news and updates from the Town Manager, Selectmen, Departments and Committees. Sign up to get email or text messages via the NotifyMe button.

  6. Proposed I-89/I-93 Redesign Project Page

    Updated information received and sent concerning the State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation Proposed I-89/I-93 Redesign Project

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